
Mostrando entradas de junio, 2019
The Importance of The Blog´s In this semester of write Blogs,I think that is a very very good Experience because is a very good opportunity for improve my writing and learn new words and new vocabulary,also my speed for write is better, in general write blogs is a great opportunity for learn English languaje of easy one way My writiing is better in this moment, it is for the blogs,because I learned new words and I now can write more faster than before and also I have new words in my mind for use in the writing of blogs and also improve my English language since in the worldwide the english is a very important Tool for work. In the future,I think that I like write a blog of my favorite movie that is Avengers End Game or my favorite PS4 game,that that  is Grand Theft Auto Five GTA5,this blog is a real good opportunity for continuing  improving  the English writing  and also learn new words for use in my future blogs and also use in my conversation with my  ...
My Favorite Place In Santiago.... My Favorite place is the Cinema Hoyts,but specifically it is located in Av.Ossa in the commune of "La Reina" (Cinema Hoyts La Reina). I always go to this cinema to see some good movie, I love the movies of Marvel Superheroes,but also I go to the cinema with my girlfriend to see other Kind of movies,for example suspenses movies or Terror movies. I love this cinema (this cinema in specific) because this cinema have a very advanced technology this technology is called 4D Experience and is basically to see movies with glasses 3D but with motion sensor,the seats of the cinema move with the movement of the movie,also this technology have Smell Sensor,for example I remember very good in Captain America Civil War,the black widow drank coffee and in this moment in the cinema there was smell of coffee. The First movie that I see in this cinema was Captain America Winter Soldier,The Best movie of Marvel for me, It Was in the year two thousand and f...
            My  Favorite Subject In my career, my favorite subject is Trumpet Interpretation,because is the principal subject and for me.Is the most important subject in my career,also is the most difficult subject, because you have that dedicate many hour of study to this subject,you have to study many things as technique in the instrument,musicality,lecture of the music scores,and practice of music pieces, and also you have learn to play in group, with other instrument. This subject is very fun for my and ver interesting because the more you can study, the better are the results, and the evolution in your technique in the instrument,is more faster, in this subject the time in you study is always very important, but is more important practice with quality, that practice many hour but in bad quality, if you practice many but in bad quality the results,is...